when I'm at my foot doctor's and I run across a photograph in Peekaboo magazine of a certain kind of up-andcoming American public personality - a movie star, a politician, a newly appointed college president - and the man is shown at home with a beagle at his feet, a Picasso on the wall, and himself wearing a Norfolk jacket, I'll usually be very nice to the dog and civil enough to the Picasso, but I can be intolerable when it comes to drawing conclusions about Norfolk jackets on American public figures. If, that is, I'm not taken with the particular personage in the first place, the jacket will cinch it. I'll assume from it that his horizons are widening just too goddam fast to suit me.
-Seymour - An Introduction
About Dead Caulfields
Dead Caulfields was established in 2004 as an online resource focused on the life and works of J.D. Salinger. The site's exploration covers not only Salinger's classic novel The Catcher in the Rye, but also the author's lesser-known writings, published and unpublished ...